Partnerships and Affiliation

Advertising Disclosure

Theworldofdogsandcats participates in several advertising programs, including the Amazon Affiliate Program, designed to provide websites a way to earn revenue by advertising and linking to

In practical terms, this means we earn a commission when you make a purchase on Amazon through our site, provided certain conditions are met (such as accessing Amazon using our links, not having certain script or ad blockers enabled, etc.).

However, all rankings, evaluations, and reviews provided on this site are as objective as possible. Beyond obvious moral considerations, we have a vested interest in providing you with the most informed advice and establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with you.

It is under this condition and this condition alone that Theworldofdogsandcats can maintain your trust over the long term.

Price Display

Theworldofdogsandcats strives to stay close to its readers while dealing with the technical constraints of various partners.

  • When a specific price is stated without mention of time or date (for example, $55.99), our website typically checks daily to see if it has changed. If it has changed, we automatically update it. If it hasn’t changed, we still refresh its display each time we update the internal cache of our price comparison tool or each time we update the comparison in which it appears.
  • Again, we strive to be as transparent as possible, but keeping prices up to date requires both tremendous effort and constant vigilance.

Therefore, if you notice an error or a significant price difference between what we have mentioned in an article and reality, we would appreciate it if you could kindly bring it to our attention so that we can take the necessary action.

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